Is the Body to Be Cultivated or Mortified in Yoga?

This research evaluates yoga’s historical development and discerns continuities and discontinuities within the practice. Prominence is given to changing attitudes towards physical mortification and cultivation over the period of 2,500 years. In addition to the exposition of the development of body ideals, this essay attempts to recognise and combine yoga’s substantial legacy with the demands of the present-day world.

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What’s the Deal with Backbends?

Backbends, commonly known in yoga as heart or chest openers, are an integral part of any yoga practice. They are invigorating and strengthening, releasing the spine as well as the chest and shoulder area – places where lots of us hold tensions. If practised safely, with an appropriate mindset and warm-up, they can be very exhilarating and freeing, improving our posture in the long term.
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